Thursday, 18 February 2010

Lent - it's all about sex and social networking

So, those clever people who dream up polls went and asked nearly 1,000 men and women folk what Lent means to them.

You see after 14 years on the tabs I gave up smoking last October. I now toe the party line that this renders me pretty much divine in terms of abstinence so I didn’t make any New Year's resolutions, nor will I be giving up anything (else) I love for Lent.
However, a whopping 45% of you said that are actually abstaining from something for 40 days and 40 nights.

Here's the top 10:

1.Chocolate - 43%
2.Sex – 36%
3.Cigarettes – 34%
4.Caffeine – 29%
5.Social networking – 20%
6.Alcohol - 20%
7.Fake tan – 16%
8.Texting – 12%
9.Sugar – 10%
10.Swearing – 6%

Will you look at that? I already did number 3 (I know - so smug).
First things first - chocolate's probably top of the pops every year for just about every female pounding the earth's surface.
Number 10's never going to happen - ask any of my friends or family. I'm not a big caffeine drinker anyway. Social networking and sex? Crumbs, people are really going full throttle this year. Anyway, aren't you supposed to give up something culinary, as per J.C.? Does anyone know 'the rules'?
Giddy with the heroic efforts lots of you are putting in, it's reassuring to know that only 18% of you will stick to it - 11% after only one week. Basically, when you get to work on Monday morning, miserable because you haven't had sex, only to turn on your computer and watch in horror as it connects to your Facebook homepage, you'll hook yourself back up to your intravenous drip of coffee and tell yourself that if J.C. was living in this day and age, he would need all of these little vices too.
More fantastically, 15% of people (and I quote) are "not aware of Lent".
So. What did you give up?

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