But last night? Last night we wanted something a little different - we wanted a little meat. Leaders repeated party lines which although are important, need not repeating 5 times in one evening. We are not stupid, thank you Mr Leader. We heard you the first time, 3 weeks ago.

Brown thinks Lib Dems and Conservatives are going to cut child tax credits. They are. They are they are they are. And you can't take £6bn out of the economy when it's already on its knees. Did you hear that everyone? £6bn. That’s 6 times £1 bn. 12 times £.5bn. £6 bloody billion.
Clegg is going to be fair. That's fair everyone. Fairness. He wants to be fair. Did you get that?
And Cameron? Well he can't believe the Reds are going to increase NI. Can't believe it.
Labour's economic recovery plans are being pushed as the main string to their bow. That Cameron's a threat to the economy and Clegg is a threat to security. But Brown fails repeatedly to pin point exactly what they're going to do apart from put NI up.
Cameron fails repeatedly to tell us where he's going to make savings being that he's still protecting millionaires and their inheritance tax.
Clegg just plays the peace-maker between the two, without really giving us much more substance.
As Publishing Director, Robert Hardie pointed out to me this morning, the winner of the night was surely Dimbleby himself…
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