Tuesday, 11 May 2010

The Verdict

8:45pm update:

Here's Dave of the Cam. He's accepted the Queen's offer to form a new gvmt.
He pays tribute to the outgoing PM - that's nice of him.
He starts with our problems. Come along Cam - cheer up.
He hopes to form a 'proper and full coalition' between the Blues and Yellows.
"Nick Clegg and I are both political leaders... we want to work hard for the good of the country and for the national interest... I love this country.. its best days are still ahead.. I believe in public service."
(Lots of noise coming from D St - lots of protesters/loud people at the end of the road?)
They want to rebuild trust. Build a more responsible Britain. 'Those that can should, and those that can't are always helped... It will be a gvmt that is built on clear values... freedom... responsibility... This is going to be hard and difficult work."
Hard work for whom, Dave - you or us?

8:35pm update:
Dave of the Cam saluted leaving the Palace for Downing Street, after Queeny asks him to form government. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dave of the Cam, hugger of the hoody is our new PM.
Oddly the Lib Dems appear to have no clue as to what's been agreed for the coalition. Lots of talk on the Beeb about whether Dave of the Cam kissed or shook the Queen's hand.
Right Honourable David Cameron? Honourable?
Beeb cleared up the 'kissing of the hands' dilema - apparently no actual kissing takes place. I can't believe we're actually talking about this.

8:20pm update:
Brown talks back at HQ. He looks relaxed and confident. "We achieved more together than any of us could have ever done on our own." He thanks everyone - and confirms Harriet Harmon takes over as Leader of Labour as of now until a new Leader is elected.

"I am Labour and Labour I will always be."
"We have denied our opposition the majority which they have taken for granted."
"We fought for the future... We fight for progress... We know that progressive change is possible."
"Forever we can be proud"
"This Labour party is the greatest force for fairness this country has ever seen."
Then he assures the Labour party he will still be with them tomorrow, he gives Sarah some lip work and does a little hop and a skip through cheering Labourites..

Hurrah - uplifting - if only they actually had power...

8:10am update:
Sir Dave of the Cam and his wife Samantha arrive at the Queens pad.
They go inside for tea and cake. Probably.
More twitterings:
@EmilyBell "Cameron's stuck in traffic, next to the no. 91 bus to Crouch End - know what that feels like"
@BellaMack "
God I hope they follow [Cameron's] Jag and it ends up pulling over next to stringfellows instead."

Apparently the Lib Dems were due to meet to finalise at 8.30pm - Brown was premature in resigning. In fairness they've had 5 days.

7:50pm update:
Gordon leaves Buckingham Palace having tendered his resignation - no police escort which is weird.
Cameron will be the youngest PM since early 1800s.
Brown is welcomed back to Labour HQ to cheers and clapping.

The Twittered election: @ArmyofDave "Already a Scottish family is homeless and unemployed. That's a Tory government for you."
Nick Clegg has been MyDavidCameron'ed.

7:20pm update:
Gord is here. He is off to tender his resignation to the Queen - she will invite the 'leader of the opposition to form a government'.
He talks about the privilage it's been to serve as PM - not for the fame or ceremony but for the potential to make the country better and fairer.
He will 'always admire the courage he sees in the armed forces... they represent all that is good in this country'.
'I have learned a lot about the best of human nature and also about its frailties, including my own.'
He thanks his colleagues and staff - he gives an emotional thank you to Sarah and his sons. Sarah stands at his side, hands clasped.
He says he is leaving the second most important job he ever had - the first he still cherishes - as a husband and father.
He says 'thank you and goodbye'.
Was an emotional speech - well received on Twitter. Everyone a bit jittery as to what Dave of the Cam and the 'dark Lords' are going to do to the country. Breath in, everyone.

Sky News still saying that Clegg will step up as Deputy Prime Minister.

7.15pm update:
Looks like Gord's going to make a statement outside Downing Street any minute now before heading off to the Palace to step down formally as Prime Minister.
BBC reminds us that he was the longest standing Chancellor and has had a difficult PM'ship.
We don't know the ins and outs yet of the Lib-Tory deal, or indeed the strains the parties have been under in order to compromise.

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