Saturday, 7 May 2011

A dark day for the 'Dems

So it seems Cornwall did vote after all. I'd rather have lost to a 40% turnout than to a 12% turnout, so I'm happy that democracy has been done.

69.6% voted no to AV, 30.4% yes.

The Lib Dems elsewhere have taken a battering in the local elections. The Scottish Lib Dem leader Tavish Scott has stepped down saying he's taking responsibility for a 'disastrous' result for his party.

Pressed on whether Clegg should do the same, Scott replied that he thinks Cleggy-boy does take responsibility for the Liberal bullet-to-the-stomach. Funny then, that the news is full of Tory put-downs - Lib Dems accusing their parliament lovers of being 'tribal'.

What is a political party if not a tribe? Is it possible that the Lib Dems threw their lot in with the wrong team 12 long months ago? That policy after policy has been dictated by the right wing, when so much of the country voted middle-left or left?

Time for the yellows to now accept that with the rejection of an alternative vote, this is the closest they will come to power for another long generation.

Make hay while you can still feel the warmth of the sun, Cleggy-boy. For tomorrow might just see the dark clouds return.

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